HDP submits legislative proposal for social peace and negotiations

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) submitted a Legislative Proposal for Social Peace and Negotiations to ensure the permanent peace and guarantee the security of the previous and future negotiations.

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) submitted a Legislative Proposal for Social Peace and Negotiations to ensure the permanent peace and guarantee the security of the previous and future negotiations.

Regarding the subject of negotiations, the Legislative Proposal for Social Peace and Negotiations Law submitted by the HDP reads; “The state uses appropriate techniques and methods to carry out negotiations in a reliable way. The negotiations are recorded and archived.”

The basic principles of negotiations, losses, rights, assurances and commissions were cited in the legislative proposal which also emphasized that the state must make necessary arrangements for eradicating gender inequality and including women in the peace process.

The proposal submitted by group deputy chairs İdris Baluken and Çağlar Demirel has the following statements in the “Goal and Extent” part:

“The goal of this law is to remove the obstacles to social peace toward a permanent implementation of internal peace and consensus through the resolution of all issues pertaining to politics, ethnicity, culture, faith, society, economy and all similar issues that the current societal clashes, particularly the Kurdish question, stems from; to designate the legal frame of the negotiations to enable an agreement of concerned parties on a resolution and building of social peace; and to pave the way for peace processes.”