HDP to object to the ballots
HDP announced that they will object to the ballots regardless of the result.
HDP announced that they will object to the ballots regardless of the result.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Headquarters announced on its Twitter account that there was 3-4 % manipulation in the announced results, and that they will object to two third of the ballots regardless of the result.
In the meantime, Turkish Supreme Election Board announced that ballots without official stamps, which was only one part of the frauds witnessed and documented throughout today, will be considered valid.
YSK also suspended the flow of data for a while during the vote count earlier today.
HDP Ankara MP Sırrı Süreyya Önder stated that YSK data and the figures of the state-run Anadolu Agency, which already announced the winning of 'Yes' vote by 51,23 %, were incompatible.