Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Deputy Co-chair Aysel Tuğluk faced a judge for the first time in the case she has been awaiting trial for in prison for six months.
Before the hearing began, Tuğluk was given the short opportunity to talk with her mother under supervision of soldiers. Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Co-mayor Ahmet Türk and Ağrı co-mayor Sırrı Sakık were present as well as she talked with her mother. It bore a certain momentousness, that three politicians who struggled side by side for years took place in the same picture.
Lawyer Ramazan Demir spoke after the break and said the following about the trial against Tuğluk and accusations based on her activity within the Democratic Society Congress (DTK): "It is a basic right to take part in political activities to advocate a change in constitution. This activity would beillegal only when violence is used for its achievement. If this were not the case, then the Assembly would not have summoned the DTK to hear its opinion on constitutional changes. Terror accusations against the DTK are absurd. The Congress offers suggestions for solutions to all sides."
The lawyers who had lodged an objection to the arrest each month since Tuğluk's imprisonment demanded the release of their client, asking the court to take into account her long jail time of six months by now.
The court rejected the appeal to combine the casefile with that of the DTK at Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court, ruled for the continuation of Tuğluk's imprisonment and postponed the hearing to September 8.