Higher unemployment for women

Higher unemployment for women

The Confederation of Progressive Labor Unions in Turkey (DİSK) Research Institute has released its report on unemployment rates for the month of February 2013.

According to the report by DİSK-AR, the rate of registered unemployed across the country has increased by 0.1 in comparison to the same month of the previous year, rising to 163 thousand. DİSK-AR pointed out that rates have increased by 1 point in respect to women and decreased by 0.4 in men.

DİSK-AR stated in the report that “with the inclusion of those who have not applied for a work for the last three months, the rate of unemployment rises to 17,7 rather than 10,5 with the number of the unemployed being 5 million 274 thousand rather than 2 million 884 thousand.”

According to the report, the rate of unemployment is 27 percent for women and 31 percent for young people, with the rate of general unemployment being 21,3 percent, amounting to 6 million 344 thousand people.

DİSK-AR stated in the report that the rate of women's participation in labour force was 29,6 percent in February 2013,  recording an increase by 2,2 percent when compared with the same period of the last year. It said the number of women working informally has risen to 237 thousand.

Remarking that around 649 thousand of the 885 thousand unemployed young people were ready for a work but didn't look for one for various reasons, because of hopelessness in particular, DİSK-AR added that the increase in the rate of unemployed young people, 34 percent by now, constituted 87 percent of the general unemployment rate in the country.