Hunger strike for Öcalan and Shengal in Strasbourg in its 14th day

The indefinite-irreversible hunger strike in Strasbourg, demanding the isolation imposed upon Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan be lifted and status of Shengal be recognized, continues in its 14th day.

The indefinite-irreversible hunger strike in Strasbourg, launched by Shengal Diaspora Assembly members demanding the isolation imposed upon Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan be lifted and status of Shengal be recognized, continues in its 14th day.

The hunger strike was launched by five administrators of Shengal Diaspora Assembly -Fikret İgrek, Peşimam Ekrem Deniz, Bozo Bacini, Bedirxan Kahraman and Beşir Ezidi - in the La Trés-Sainte-Trinité Church in Esplanade on August 23.

Three separate groups from Democratic Alevi Federation (FEDA), European Êzîdî Federation and Kurdistan Islamic Union (CİK) supported the hunger strike with 5-day participation. Çira TV employee İdris Bagok also participated in the protest yesterday.

The hunger strike will be joined by two Kurdish women today and members from the Movement of Kurdish Women in Europe (TJK-E) as of tomorrow.

Doctor Fahrettin Gülşen who cares for the hunger strikers since the first day, stated that five participants of the hunger strike have lost 8-10 kilos over the past 14 days, and facing dizziness, acceleration of heartbeat and nauseation. The body temperature of strikers has returned to normal after an increase during the recent days due to warm weather. They remain in bed most of the time as they on the other hand try to welcome the visitors and follow the developments in Kurdistan through media.

A 7-people committee from the Strasbourg Buddhist Society, many Kurds from Europe and a group of Syriacs visited the participants of the hunger strike during the weekend, and highlighted support for the demands of strikers.

On the other hand, a delegation from Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is also expected to meet the hunger strikers to check their state of health and learn about their demands. 
