People keep flocking to the Strasbourg Democratic Kurdish Community Center to visit the 14 activists on hunger strike.
Hunger strikers are demanding an end to isolation against Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan. They joined the hunger strike launched by HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven, and are now on their 52nd day.
The hunger strike has so far been carried out at the Strasbourg Democratic Kurdish Community Center. From tomorrow, though, hunger strikers will move to another address, namely at 273, Avenue de Colmar 67100 in Strasbourg.
Support from Sayan and Yilmaz
Among the visitors, on Wednesday, was a group of Turkish socialists.
Socialist Refoundation Party (SYKP) Founding Chairman Tuncay Yilmaz and Turkish writer Mahir Sayan were among today’s visitors.
Mahir Sayan, who spoke to activists during his visit, stressed that the hunger strike resistance has been a success in itself in terms of giving hope to people.
Sayan underlined how the Turkish government was trying to answer to the hunger strike in its attempt to defuse the action. Which is why, said Sayan, they had decided to release HDP Hakkari MP, Leyla Güven on her 79th day of fast.
Resistance launched at a time when AKP is weak
Mahir Sayan pointed out that the AKP-MHP government is living a period of great fragility despite the apparent unity in policies.
The writer added that by combining the success in the local elections with the struggle against isolation, democratic people could put up serious barriers on the advancement of the ruling power and could help cracking internal relations.
Hunger strike to continue at new address
The hunger strike has been so far carried out in the Democratic Kurdish Community Center in Strasbourg, yet from tomorrow, Thursday, it will continue at a new address, namely 273, Avenue de Colmar 67100 in Strasbourg.
The change of venue was decided because the DKTM hall is not large enough and not suitable for the health of the activists.
The new address can be reached by taking the ‘A‘ tram from Strasbourg Central Station, direction ‘Illkirch-Graeffenstaeden and getting off at Emile Matthis stop.