Iraqi government sets preconditions for dialogue with KRG

Southern Kurdistan administration should cancel the results of the independence referendum before negotiations with Iraqi government, office of Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said in a statement on Monday.

Iraqi government set preconditions for negotiations with the government of Southern Kurdistan. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s office released a statement on Monday, calling on the Federal Kurdish Government to cancel the results of the independence referendum before a serious dialogue with Baghdad.

Abadi also said that Southern Kurdistan should abide by the decisions taken by the Federal and Constitutional Court.

There were no clear indications of which court rulings Kurds should abide but it’s believed that Abadi mentions the rulings about transfer of border controls and control over oil revenue of the Kurdish region.

Abadi’s statement came before Abadi and KDP leader Masoud Barzani’s meeting in Paris on October 4.

The relation between Baghdad and Hewler is tense after the independence referendum held by Southern Kurdistan’s administration.

Baghdad imposed a series of sanctions against Kurdish administration including closure of airspace for international flights.

Iraq on Monday authorized foreigners stranded in Southern Kurdistan after an international flight ban to leave the country via Baghdad despite not having a federal visa.

“Any person can leave the country via Baghdad without paying a fine or for an exit visa,” Interior Minister Qassem Al-Araji told journalists.