Irregularities in the elections
Voting has started in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan as of 08:00 this morning. Voters can cast their votes until 17:00, and 56 million voters will be casting their votes in 180.000 ballots.
Voting has started in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan as of 08:00 this morning. Voters can cast their votes until 17:00, and 56 million voters will be casting their votes in 180.000 ballots.
Some 40 HDP witnesses were removed from ballots by force in Urfa.
Soldiers act as AKP witnesses in a voting station in Hakkari
In Tekman and Karaçoban district of Erzurum, the AKP municipality issued Interior Ministry workers' identification, which allows citizens to walk around freely in polling stations.
Women were not allowed to vote at the ballot no: 2044 in the Bulduk village of Urfa's Eyyubiye district.
Men voted in their place and women were prohibited from voting in the ballot no.1196 in Urfa's Geçit village.
An army officer sat by a ballot box in Boğazköy in Amed's Dicle district and said, "We will show you te strength of the state," preventing the people from voting.
Residents of the Çevirme village in Tekman's Erzurum cast their votes in the shadow of soldiers, water cannons and long barrel rifles.
Votes were cast en masse in the Ballots No. 1043 and 1044 in the Gap Anadolu High School in Suruç.
Şanlıurfa Suruç'ta bir okulda sandık kurulu üyelerinin gözü önünde sandığa fazladan oy atıldı #Sandıkİhbar
— Müşabir (@musabircom) June 24, 2018
A ballot officer allowed two people to vote in the Ballot No.2425 in Ankara Çankaya Sokullu Mehmet Pasa Anadolu High School, claiming that they were on the list when they weren't.
Opposition party witnesses were denied access to the ballot area for ballots no. 2179, 2180 and 2181 in the Karaali village in Urfa's Eyyubiye district.
Village guards in Koçkar village in Amed's Kulp district blocked the road to the village and prevented the HDP's witnesses from entering the village. The HDP members cannot be reached by their phones right now, and nobody has heard from them since.
People going to the ballots early in the morning in Nusaybin, Mardin were met with tanks in the school yards while the tanks and riot police units wait in front of schools in Mazidagi.
In the Adak village in Derik with 204 voters, the village headman threatened people to vote out in the open. The headman threatened ballot officers and the HDP district chair when they objected.
Some witnesses in Van were not allowed into schools.
Three men attempting to enter the Mesut Yılmaz Elementary School with a thousand stamped votes and envelopes were caught in the act and lawyers were directed o to