ISIS gangs suffer heavy blows in Iraq

ISIS gangs suffer heavy blows in Iraq

While it is reported that the Iraqi army has repulsed the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham) gangs from around Babil and Baghdad, it is learned that the gangs also withdrew from Tikrit. Meanwhile, the Iraqi army is withdrawing from Fallujah.

A news agency close to the Iraqi government reports that the deployment of the ISIS gangs around the middle of Iraq and Baghdad has been broken and the ISIS gangs are withdrawing, the reason of which however is not known if is because of tactical moves or the airstrikes by the Iraqi air force and the coalition.

100 ISIS gang members captured in Babil province

The president of security in Babil province said that 100 members of the ISIS gangs and 2 leaders of the organisation surrendered to the Iraqi army. It is reported that al-Qaeda leaders who took part in bomb attacks between 2003-2005 in Iraq were among the gang members who surrendered to the Iraqi army.

The operation commander of Selahattin region stated that they launched an operation in Baji town to the north of Tikrit against ISIS gangs and 7 villages were cleansed of the ISIS gangs. As part of the operations carried out in order to clear the city of ISIS gangs, the Iraqi army took control of the Baghdad-Kerkuk and Samara-Tikrit roads.

The spokesman of the defence ministry of Iraq, Muhammed Askeri, stated that as the result of heavy clashes between the 31st unit of the 8th brigade and the volunteer Shiite militias and the ISIS gangs, two areas were liberated from the ISIS gangs. It is stated that 60 ISIS gang members were killed as the result of the clashes.

The Iraqi army retook control of Duvelibe

Duvelibe region, to the south of Baghdad, was recaptured from the ISIS gangs. This information was also confirmed by the Baghdad operation command.

The 14th land brigade and volunteer Shiite militias organised an operation to liberate Duvelibe region to the south of Bagdad. While Duvelibe region was recaptured from the ISIS gangs, it is stated that 43 gang members were killed during the clashes, and weapons and equipment were seized.

After the Iraqi army took control of Duvelibe region, the destruction of the town by the ISIS gangs was revealed. Reliable sources stated that the infrastructure of this Shia city was damaged and many places were blown up by the ISIS gangs.

Iraqi aircraft bombard the positions of the ISIS gangs

As part of the war against ISIS gangs, the Iraqi air forces hit the positions of the ISIS gangs in Anbar and Samarra. The defence ministry of Iraq broadcast footage of airstrikes by Iraqi aircraft targeting  vehicles and buildings of the ISIS gangs.