Istanbul Governor: Gezi Park to be opened tomorrow
Istanbul Governor: Gezi Park to be opened tomorrow
Istanbul Governor: Gezi Park to be opened tomorrow
Istanbul Governor Hüseyin Avni Mutlu said that Gezi Park would be opened to public on Monday. The park has been closed to public since 15 June when police evicted the park by brutally attacking the people in the area using intense tear gas and pressure water allegedly containing chemicals.
Governor Mutlu said that the planting works in the park have been completed.
Thousands of people gathered in Taksim yesterday as Taksim Solidarity Platform called for a mass demo to re-enter the Gezi Park after the disclosure of the court's decision to cancel the Taksim pedestrianization project and the barracks intended to be built in the park.
Police however blockaded the area long before the demo, set to take place at 7 p.m., and attacked people as they tried to reach Taksim Square. A number of people were injured and more than 60 were taken into custody by police in the area yesterday.