Istanbul public forums against the destruction of ODTÜ trees

Istanbul public forums against the destruction of ODTÜ trees

Reactions are growing against the destruction of thousands of trees on the campus of Ankara's Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) in the scope of a project run by the Ankara Municipality led by Melih Gökçek.

Activists of the street forums in Istanbul which have established an environment of public meetings joined by thousands since the Gezi resistance in June came together in the Kadıköy district on Thursday to protest against the destruction of ODTÜ's forested area.

Demonstrators staged a march to the Kuşdili meadow and planted new trees here in response to the AKP government's destruction of forested lands.

On the other hand, Abbasağa Forum organized a public meeting in a ferry providing service from Beşiktaş to Kadıköy in order to protect the Beşiktaş ferry terminal and to say stop to the government's rent policies and practices.

Demonstrators were denied permission by police to turn back from Kadıköy to Beşiktaş in the ferry, preventing the ferry from reaching the Beşiktaş ferry terminal and forcing it to take its way to Üsküdar.