Kapıköy border gate remains closed despite protests by people of Van
The closure of Kapıköy border gate in Van negatively affects the lives of residents, yet the AKP-MHP government has no intention to reopen it despite criticism.
The closure of Kapıköy border gate in Van negatively affects the lives of residents, yet the AKP-MHP government has no intention to reopen it despite criticism.
Kapıköy border gate, which provides for the livelihood of the vast majority of the people in Van, where agriculture and animal husbandry have come to the end, has been closed since March 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic began. After the normalization process, last year, despite the pressure of the people of Van, the government has no intention to reopen it. Flights began from Istanbul, Ankara and Antalya to Iran, but the closure of the border gates in Van caused the closure of many businesses related to the tourism sector.
Especially tourism professionals and border traders have been affected by the closure of Kapıköy border gate, which is described as the biggest "bread gateway" in Van. Despite the controlled opening calls made by people in Van, the border remains closed.
We are on the threshold of bankruptcy
Commenting on the closure of the Kapıköy border gate, tourism manager Taylan Durmaz said: "I direct the only company operating in tourism transportation from Tabriz, Iran to Van since in 2016. We serve the people of Van. But the closure of the Kapıköy border gate has affected both us and the people of Van. I am on the brink of bankruptcy because the border gate was closed while I was employing 70 people and I will close my tourism company completely. I want our voices to be heard."
Mürsel Kıyat makes a living doing some trade. He also called for the opening of border. "There are 39 points on the border in Turkey. 36 were open but Kapıköy, Gürbulak and Esendere border crossings remain closed. I do not understand why they are doing this.”