KCDK-E calls on people to join march for Shengal and the Yazidis
The KCDK-E Co-Presidency Council called for participation in the long march to be organised in Germany on 17 and 18 July, demanding the recognition and security of Shengal's status.
The KCDK-E Co-Presidency Council called for participation in the long march to be organised in Germany on 17 and 18 July, demanding the recognition and security of Shengal's status.
In a written statement, the KCDK-E noted that the status of Shengal should be recognized in order to avoid new massacres against the Yazidi.
According to the statement, there will be a march from Celle to Hanover on July 17-18 in order to reclaim Shengal. The KCDK-E called for broad participation in the long march.
The statement said: “The silence of the countries of the region, as well as Europe and the world, paves the way for the Turkish state's attacks on Shengal, North Kurdistan and Rojava.
The European countries, the European Parliament, the UN and the Council of Europe, issued statements after the massacres carried out by ISIS mercenaries in Shengal. However, they didn’t implement the decisions they voted and this silence encouraged the attacks of the colonial Turkish state.
Preventing new massacres in Shengal will only be possible with the recognition and guarantee of Sengal's status.”
The KCDK-E ended its statement calling “on all our people and friends to actively reclaim Shengal and join the march in solidarity with the Yazidi people.”