KCDK-E: Failing to delist the PKK will mean targeting an entire people

The KCDK-E issued a statement drawing attention to the case in Luxembourg and pointed out that the 'ban decision' was used as a reason for targeting an entire people altogether.

The KCDK-E co-chairs made a written statement regarding the case going on in Luxembourg over the delisting of the PKK. "The listing of the PKK on the EU list of terrorist organizations, which is instrumental in violating the Kurdish people's right to live freely, continues to be the main agenda of the Kurdish freedom struggle," the statement said.

"On Thursday, 31 March 2022, a hearing was held in Luxembourg regarding the removal of the PKK from the EU terrorist organizations list. - said the statement adding: “It has been demonstrated in the court once again that there is no justification for keeping the PKK on the list as well as not continuing to listen to Abdullah Öcalan’s solution proposals.”

The statement continued: “The presence of the PKK on the EU list of terrorist organizations was used as a basis to target all Kurdish organisations. This practice of EU countries stands as a major obstacle to the Kurdish freedom struggle, freedom of self-expression and freedom of association as a whole.

Kurds living and organizing in Europe have been criminalized for years on the grounds that the PKK is on the EU list of terrorist organizations. This justification constitutes the basis of the practices and prohibitions carried out especially in Germany. A justification has been made for targeting a people as a whole.”

The statement continued: “The will of millions demanding the lifting of the PKK ban since 1996 has been ignored. Despite the Belgian Court's decision on 8 March 2019 ruling that the 'PKK is a party to a war', the EU keeps the organisation in its list.”

On the other hand, the statement argued that “because of the presence of the PKK in the EU list of terrorist organizations, the Turkish army continues to invade Kurdistan illegally and does not abide by any international rules. This prevents the problems from being resolved on a political basis and is instrumental in the continuation of the war.

However, there is no alternative but a political solution to end this conflict that has been going on for almost 100 years in a peaceful and just way.”

The KCDK-E underlined that “this hearing held in Luxembourg has historical significance. For this reason, we call on European countries, governments and the international public to take steps to pave the way for self-determination of the Kurdish people by quickly delisting the PKK for regional and world peace, reminding that this baseless ban cannot put a mortgage on the will of a people."