KCDK-E to take to the streets on November 26 against the ban on PKK

KCDK-E has issued a call to take to the streets on November 26 against the ban on PKK. KCDK-E called on Europe and Germany and stated that “PKK should be removed from the EU terror list and Germany should lift the ban on PKK”.

European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress (KCDK-E) has announced a series of demonstrations against the ban on PKK. In a written statement, KCDK-E said: “Germany making a political decision to ban PKK activity on November 26, 1993 followed by the European Community adding PKK to the terror list has translated into oppression in the form of Turkish state policies of massacre and oppression against Kurds and democrats. These policies have criminalized Kurds and supported AKP and ISIS gangs politically. And that has prevented a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue and the democratization of Turkey and the Middle East.”

The statement pointed out that the PKK guerrillas and YPG and YPJ forces fighting in Shengal and Rojava against ISIS gangs have achieved a great victory not just for the Kurds but for all of humanity. KCDK-E stated that after this victory in the name of humanity, all around the world PKK has garnered great sympathy and as a savior for humanity a wide array of social groups demand PKK be removed from EU terror list and Germany lift the ban on PKK.


The statement also included the following:

“When these discussions were hot on the agenda, the AKP government carried out massacres in cities like Cizre, Sur, Gever, Gımgım, Silvan, Nusaybin and Şırnak where self-rule resistances took place and our cities have been torn to the ground, as a result of the world staying silent. As a result of the deceitful policies of the occupying Turkish state, academics have been arrested, television and radio stations and newspapers have been banned, trustees have been appointed in place of elected Kurdish mayors, HDP co-chairs and MPs have been arrested and everybody who thinks differently from and criticizes AKP and RTE have become targets. As a result of the silence and permissive policies, the AKP fascism has become unfettered. The latest arrest of Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Co-mayor and peace envoy Ahmet Turk shows the point AKP fascism is at currently.”


KCDK-E issued the following calls in the statement:

“We call on the European Union and the international institutions: If they want to stop AKP fascism and RTE’s dictatorship, they should remove PKK, who fight against ISIS and are the savior of all identities and faiths in the Middle East, from the EU terror list and Germany should lift the ban on PKK.


As the KCDK-E, we refuse this unjust ban and listing that has continued for years. We want the antidemocratic methods and practices to end for the freedom of peoples, faiths and women.

This is why we will be on the streets on November 26 all over Europe for the 23rd anniversary of the ban on PKK. We are calling on all revolutionaries, democrats and intellectuals who defend freedom and the right to expression for peoples to shout out alongside us the slogans, ‘No Bans’, ‘Freedom of Expression and Organisation for Kurdish People’.

As KCDK-E, we call on all to join the demonstrations in all European countries on November 26.”