KCK's Andok: People should go to the polls for democracy

KCK Executive Council Member Xebat Andok spoke to Medya Haber Tv about the elections on Sunday and said that they are an opportunity to chose for a democratic country.

KCK Executive Council Member Xebat Andok was interviewed by a special program of journalist Esra Mikyaz about the local elections on Sunday. 

Andok first saluted all hunger strikers and Leyla Güven, who began the resistance against isolation. 

Andok said that “there is indeed a full state of war in Turkey. The AKP-MHP psychology is shown very clearly in the repression they are carrying out. We are literally facing a ‘survival’ war on the part of the ruling coalition. The HDP is not only a Kurdish party, but a party of all the peoples of Turkey.”

Andok stated that the resistance carried out by Kurds has exposed the real face of the AKP. 

Everyone should go to the polls 

In response to the question of whether there are risky areas in Serhat, Xebat Andok said: “There should be the same mood everywhere in Kurdistan, regardless of whether it is risky or not, because was is contested appeared to be a war rather than a election. 

No matter how much pressure they do, people should act with a sense of patriotism and go to the polls, no matter the risk. 

The HDP program is the right one

KCK Executive Council member Xebat Andok added: “It is clear that we are to determine which world we’ll leave to young people. If young voters are going to cast their vote for the AKP-MHP, their future would be very bleak. 

But if people want to live together, without thinking of the other as an enemy, if they want to have more equal relations, free relations, if they want a society and country then they should definitely use their democratic opportunity, which is voting. The HDP is the only party working for democracy in Turkey. The most accurate program for Turkey is the HDP’s. It is a program that will help to solve the Kurdish issue and thus democratize Turkey.

Therefore young people should give their preference to the HDP."