KCK calls on Erdoğan to abandon his animosity to Kurds

KCK calls on Erdoğan to abandon his animosity to Kurds

The KCK Executive Council has issued a statement assessing recent developments, saying the current situation is critical, and that unless there is a fundamental change in the mentality of the Turkish state, struggle will be stepped up in all areas in order to ensure this happens. The statement stressed that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's mentality and discourse was inimical to negotiation and resolution.

The KCK Executive Council has condemned the state violence used against solidarity protests for Kobanê and called on Turkish President Erdoğan to abandon his hostile rhetoric against Kurds and “respect the status of Rojava and the will of our people.” The statement emphasised that neither the process of resolution would develop, nor would the people end their resistance. “Kobanê is that important".

The KCK statement underlined that: "Turkey and Kurdistan is going through a critical period. Either the Turkish state will undergo a fundamental change of mentality for the resolution of the Kurdish question and the democratisation of Turkey, or the struggle will develop everywhere. AKP leaders and Erdoğan’s threatening, aggressive language and hostility to the Kurds does not serve the process of resolution. The AKP wants to impose the repression of the 1990s on our peoples once again. The fact that dozens of our people have been shot dead by the police in recent days during solidarity protests for Kobanê is evidence of this.”

AKP Government should resign

The KCK pointed out that in other countries governments would immediately be forced to resign if people were shot dead and beaten by the police, whereas in Turkey the AKP government was implementing more security measures and carrying out further operations. The statement said that the state considered all those who exercised their right to protest to be terrorists and deserved to be killed.

The environment of non-conflict was not properly evaluated

The statement said that the AKP had not properly evaluated the environment of non-conflict on account of its totalitarian mentality and had not taken any concrete steps towards a resolution. “It has merely tried to manage the process and create a perception that something was being done.

Our peoples will of course continue to resist. Legitimate and democratic reaction to the repression of the AKP should be further stepped up.”

Kobanê is something that will determine the direction of the process of resolution

The statement emphasised the importance of developments in Kobanê as regards the process of resolution, adding that it was natural for the Kurds and their friends to follow developments in Kobanê and the heroic resistance being waged there against ISIS fascism, and to make their opinions known. The statement stressed that for the Turkish government to demand the Kurds remain silent at what was happening was to demand more than slavery, and to ask them to abandon their humanity and identity.

This is the reality whether the AKP state likes it or not!

The statement continued, saying: “The Kurds and their friends will maintain their resistance without compromise. The more the ISIS fascist forces attack Kobanê the more the resistance will develop. This is a matter of honour. The anger, hope and anguish of the Kurds cannot be imprisoned within colonialist borders. The Kurds have long since demolished these borders in their hearts and minds and united in order to protect their existence and their freedom. This is the reality, whether the AKP state likes it or not. The AKP state should therefore abandon its hostile rhetoric against Kurds and respect the status of Rojava and the will of our people. Otherwise, neither the process of resolution will develop, nor will the people end their resistance. Kobanê is that important".