KCK establishes website in English

The KCK has established an English-language Internet website in order to make the political events in Kurdistan understandable to the public and to present a solution perspective for the crisis in the Middle East.

The Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) published its new website on which a wide range of information about the work of the organization, the underlying paradigm and the significance of Abdullah Öcalan can be found. At the same time, all KCK statements and interviews of KCK representatives will be available in English.

Azad Serdar, member of the KCK public relations team, connects a clear goal with the new website: “It is our responsibility as the KCK to make the political events in Kurdistan understandable to the international public and at the same time to show that we have a clear perspective – Democratic Confederalism – for the solution of the crisis in the Middle East. We will use our website to make even stronger contact with international democratic forces, committed individuals and other interested groups in the future. We look forward to this exchange!”

The declared goal of the KCK for the future is to provide the site not only in English, but also in Arabic. Anyone who wants to get in touch with the KCK has several options for doing so. In addition to the official website https://kck-info.com and e-mail address [email protected], interested parties can also contact the KCK directly on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

The KCK was founded in 2007 and emerged from the PKK. Its goal is to implement the "Democratic Confederalism" declared by Abdullah Öcalan on March 20, 2005. Since April 2009, countless political activists in Turkey have been arrested, charged with alleged KCK membership and support for a terrorist organization, and sentenced to long prison terms - among them HDP mayors, lawyers, journalists and trade unionists. The current co-chairs of the KCK are Cemil Bayik and Besê Hozat.