KCK: Government should act now

KCK: Government should act now

In a written statement about the ongoing resolution process aimed at a democratic and peaceful solution to the Kurdish question, KCK (Kurdish Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency urged the ruling AK Party government to take steps without making up further excuses.

KCK said that the Kurdish movement wanted to see a mutual will and solution project to ensure a permanent solution to the Kurdish question.

Criticizing the government for failing to approach the issue seriously, KCK called attention to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's  recent statements, in which he claimed that the Kurdish guerrillas have not withdrawn from Turkish borders, and commented these statements as the manifestation of the government's insistence on its psychological war and delaying tactics.

KCK underlined that the government has so far failed to appreciate the Kurdish movement's efforts for the creation of a non-conflict environment  which -it said- was the most significant process after 1999 and also a primary necessity on the way to a solution to the Kurdish question today.

KCK said that in response to the efforts of the Kurdish side, the government has continued with the construction of new dams and military posts, as well as hiring further village guards, while at the same time having gang groups attack Kurds in Rojava and having some people arbitrarily arrested in recent months. "Having wasted the last ten months in vain, the government doesn't seem to have an intention to take a remarkable step now, as much as is understood from the statements of the PM", it said.

KCK also criticized Erdoğan's statements, in which he said that the recognition of the Kurdish language would seperate the country, and commented these expressions as an effort to cover up Turkey's massacre policies.

KCK underlined that the Kurdish question cannot be resolved unless the government improves Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan's conditions and recorgnizes Kurds' right to self governance. It remarked that the expectations and demands of Kurds couldn't be satisfied with the one-sided steps the government will take without reaching an agreement with Öcalan and the BDP (Peace and Democracy Party).

KCK pointed out that the Kurdish movement will respond to the government's delaying policies should it fail to present a true will and project aimed at a lasting solution.