KCK main trial adjourned due to boycott
KCK main trial adjourned due to boycott
KCK main trial adjourned due to boycott
Istanbul 15th High Criminal Court has adjourned the main Istanbul KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) trial until 12 December due to the boycott of politicians on trial.
204 Kurdish politicians and human rights activists, 83 jailed, are tried in the main Istanbul KCK case.
Defendants have today refused to attend the second session of the 9th hearing in protest against disciplinary penalties and 24-hour CCTV surveillance.
After the court has ordered them to be brought to court by force, BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) central executive board former member Mustafa Avcı on behalf of defendants explained their reasons for protest.
Avcı remarked that defendants have staged the protest in the court with an aim to convey the right violations they faced in prison, and because they have received no answer from the prison administration, Ministry of Justice and the prison's prosecutor in response to the complaints they voiced about their problems in prison.
Accepting lawyer Kadir Tunç's demand, the court board adjourned the trial, and warned that defendants will be denied self-defense in the event of continuing their protest during the next hearing.