KCK message to the Kurdish Conference in Moscow
In their message to the conference in Russia, the KCK stated that the democratic modernity project proposed by the Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan is the fundamental solution.
In their message to the conference in Russia, the KCK stated that the democratic modernity project proposed by the Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan is the fundamental solution.
KCK Executive Council Co-leadership has sent a written message to the 6th Kurdish Conference held in Russian Federation capital Moscow under the title “Third War of Allocation in the Middle East”.
In their message to the conference in Russia, the KCK stated that the democratic modernity project proposed by the Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan is the fundamental solution. The message also pointed out the importance of national unity. The message read: “The Turkish state leading anti-Kurdish sentiment personified by the AKP-MHP government is due to them seeing the line of Leader Apo and the PKK will bring the end of their mentality and their political understanding.”
KCK Executive Council Co-leadership sent a written message to the 6th Kurdish Conference held in Russian Federation capital Moscow under the title “Third War of Allocation in the Middle East”.
KCK’s message is as follows:
“One of the first people thought of when talking about the Middle East is the Kurds. The lands the Kurds live in are the lands where humanity first built societies and had the neolithic revolution. Thus, the stem cells of humanity’s culture are in these lands. Kurdistan is also a country between the east and the west. For the Middle East, it’s not just a bridge between the West and the East, but also one between the North and the South. With this character, the Kurds have synthesized the most unique cultural heritage in the Middle East and the whole of humanity in themselves. The Kurds have always had an important role in the Middle East with their geographical and cultural position. They may not have had states, but they played significant roles politically, socially and culturally. And not having states allows them to play an important role in the name of democracy and freedom for the Middle East and the whole of humanity today.
Our Leader has analyzed the place of the Middle East in the history of humanity extensively, and has also put forth the place of Kurds in the Middle East and their importance in all aspects. In the framework of these analyses, the role the Kurds will play in the Middle East today and in the coming periods has also been laid out. In this sense, the Kurds are in the position of being the people who know what to do in the Middle East, and thus taking initiative and being effective in the political developments.
In the 20th century, the Kurds have faced ruthless genocidal policies and practices due to the desire of the regional states to form nation states. Nation states have built anti-Kurdish alliances to impose genocides upon the Kurds. With the balance built in the 20th century in the Middle East falling apart, the possibilities for the Kurds to break free of this genocidal system and achieve a free and democratic life has increased. Especially the freedom struggle that developed under the leadership of the PKK has played a historic role in the Kurds becoming aware and organized in all parts. The Kurds are now achieved an effective position in the World War III that is striving to build a new balance in the Middle East, based on this strength. With this position, they will take part in the new balance to be built in the Middle East by achieving a free and democratic life in all parts of Kurdistan for sure. And as a politically, culturally, socially and economically effective people within the countries they will achieve this free and democratic life, namely Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria!
Today the Middle East is in crisis and chaos, going through the World War III. This crisis and chaos should be seen as both the crisis of the five millennia old statist system, and the political, social, cultural and economic model of the capitalist modernity that took hold in the Middle East in the last two centuries, and the political system that was built after the cold war in the 20th century. When this reality is taken into consideration, it is not possible to overcome this crisis with military interventions and superficial and imposing political projects alone.
In this sense, the forces who understand this crisis correctly and make the correct interventions will play a role in overcoming it and will achieve the influential position in the Middle East of the 21st century. No force can find a solution to the current issues in the Middle East through thinking they will be influential, or save themselves. Their own goals can’t be met either. Only those with an approach of a solution for the Middle East will both prevail themselves, and play a role in the victory of the peoples of the Middle East. Right now, the only force in this position with their ideological approach, political stance and projects they propose are the Kurds. And that has been possible through Leader Apo putting forth projects to solve the political, social, economic and cultural projects to solve the issues of both the Kurds and the Middle East.
Power and statism has existed for the longest time and most intensely in the Middle East. While on one hand the power of collectivism has been experienced in the Middle East, on the other there is the millennia old tradition of authoritarian, despotic system of the statist systems of power. While the power of collectivism creates a great advantage for the people, there are disadvantages due to being the location where power and statism has existed for the longest time and most intensely. When the power and state tradition in the Middle East met the capitalist modernity and reached the understanding of a nation state, it became very dangerous for the people. The issues have grown more dire. A despotism that meant a process of genocide for different identities and faiths has become prevalent.
Up until the 19th century, Armenians, Assyrians and Êzidîs lived in great numbers in these lands. They were faced with genocides and mostly dissolved in the 20th century. The monist understanding stemming from the nation state has brought sectarianism back from the grave and increased social tensions and conflict. In this atmosphere, different faiths like Alevis, Durzis or Coptics have also experienced a genocidal process under strict oppression. The policies of oppression and genocide against the Kurds have continued without a hitch. Different ethnic and faith groups in the Middle East had occasionally gone through tensions and conflicts until the mid-19th century, but they had a fundamental complementary dialectic. These differences were the strength of the Middle East, not the weakness. But today, they have become factors of conflict that weaken the Middle East.
The Kurdish People’s Leader has presented the understanding of a democratic nation as an alternative to the monist understanding of the nation state, and thus created an important mindset and a basis for a solution in relation to the issues in the Middle East. With the understanding of the democratic nation, a model for a solution to strengthen the fraternity of peoples instead of nationalism that creates conflict between them. The Kurds have proposed a model that will eliminate the situations that arise from clashing differences, by putting the understanding of the democratic nation to practice in every area they are present in. As such, the understanding of the democratic nation has created islands of peace in regions where the Rojava Revolution has been effective, within Syria that is experiencing intense conflict. Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Chechens, Turkmens have built a system to live as brothers and sisters in the lands called the Democratic Syria Federation. The Kurds have intervened in the Middle East with the understanding of the democratic nation, and have taken a very important step for the solution of the issues.
The most fundamental problem that intensifies social problems in the Middle East is the patriarchal system that builds and builds upon the woman. The Middle East and especially Kurdistan are lands that are the foundation of women’s freedom, and also the lands where the patriarchal culture that has become the foundation of power and state is most widespread. For this reason, social problems have intensified and rendered unsolvable. All despotic and oppressive approaches have the domination of women building up in layers like state and power. The Kurdish People’s Leader has analyzed this reality by delving deep into history, and has formed the women’s liberation line. He has based this on the tradition of women in history of a free and democratic life. He has based it especially on the Kurdish women who have experienced the neolithic society most intensely, and thus carry the libertarian spirit most deeply. On this basis, the women’s liberation line that will spread from Kurdistan into the Middle East will have a key role in the solution of problems. The women’s liberation line becoming concrete in the Kurdish women’s reality puts forth the fact that the Kurds will have a very important role in the solution to the problems in the Middle East and the creation of a new Middle East.
The democratization that is the product of all these is present in the mindset, ideology, organization and the struggle of the Kurds the most today. Our Leader has stated that democracy will exist not on the individual, but the social level, and thus organized democratic societies are the most fundamental democratic dynamic. Putting forth that collectivism conditions democracy and democracy conditions collectivism, he has stated that the democratic confederalism based on the organized democratic society will create a solution on the basis of democracy to all problems. He has stressed that democratic nation will strengthen democratic confederalism and vice versa, leading to a solution to all problems on a democratic basis.
The women’s libertarian democratic ecological social paradigm put forth by the Kurds under the Leader’s line and turning that into the democratic confederal system with the democratic nation will put democratic socialism into practice and that will be the key and the model for solving all issues in the Middle East. The Kurds have become the leading people in the Middle East today because they have put all these characteristics into practice in their own social reality and their struggle. All periods in history prove that the peoples and societies that put forth the mindset, ideology and the social and political structure of the age have been the leading peoples and societies of said age. The Kurds today will be the rising people of the Middle East with their advanced mindset, ideology, and social and political structure. Today there is a social, political, economical and cultural crisis not only in the Middle East, but throughout the world. As such, Leader Apo’s women’s libertarian democratic ecological paradigm will also offer a solution to them, and that will raise the position of the Kurds to the leading and rising people of the world in the 21st century.
The Kurds have become a people to solve all dead ends in the World War III in the Middle East with this ideological/political reality they have achieved. All the inhuman ideologies and political structures in the Middle East will be overcome with the strength of the people with this character. In Rojava, the success of the peoples organized according to the democratic nation principle wasn’t due to only military power, this ideological and political line has allowed them to prevail against inhuman gangs like ISIS. ISIS has gone into a process of regression and disbanding when faced with such an ideological and political force. If Russia, the US or another regional power think they will prevail against such inhuman forces through military interventions alone, they are greatly mistaken. Because of this, if forces with such ideologies are to be defeated, a cooperation with the Kurds is necessary. Only if the Kurds’ ideological and political line touches upon the problems in the Middle East will the solution become easier.
All these realities considered, if the Kurds crown this strength with national unity, they will put their position, strength and reality of being the rising people in the Middle East into practice throughout the region. No force can stand against the Kurds’ strength based on the reality of democratic society. The only obstacle for the Kurds to put this strength and potential into practice today is the lack of unity. In this sense, Leader Apo has placed significance to the national unity efforts. Our Freedom Movement has also taken the national unity efforts on the agenda once more for this reason.
The enemies of Kurds with the nation state mentality who see this strength in the Kurds are carrying out an intense attack to eliminate Leader Apo and the PKK. The Turkish state being the leading anti-Kurdish power personified in the AKP-MHP government is because they see the line of Leader Apo and the PKK will bring about the end of their mindset and political understanding. The AKP government is anti-Kurdish and anti-PKK not only for themselves, but for all enemies of Kurds and in the name of Middle Eastern regressive ideologies. Because when the PKK line prevails, Turkey and all enemies of Kurds and the statist despotic bigotry based on five millennia old domination of women will also fall apart. The PKK-led struggle against regressive ideologies centered in Turkey throughout the Middle East is a struggle waged for all the peoples of the Middle East and the whole of humanity. In this sense, all the peoples of the Middle East and all of progressive humanity, not just Kurds, should take part in this struggle and actualize their own free and democratic future through their own struggle.
We believe that your conference today will discuss extensively the realities in the Middle East and the place of the Kurds in the intense struggle in the Middle East, and wish a successful completion of your conference.”