KCK: We will not condone fascistic repressions

KCK: We will not condone fascistic repressions

Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Presidency has released a statement strongly responding to the cruel repression of the people who were brutalized while protesting against the Lice attack in Amed yesterday. Ten people, three seriously, were wounded in the police attack targeting protestors.

KCK pointed out that the Kurdish movement will never condone fascistic repressions and called on Kurdish people to enhance their democratic political and legitimate protests in all areas. “The AKP government must know well that the Kurdish people will never accept remaining silent nor being oppressed”, it underlined.

KCK said the AKP government has recently raised doubts and mistrust by enhancing its attacks instead of taking steps for the second stage of the democratic solution process. KCK said all the circles that side with a solution to the Kurdish question were concerned over the construction of new posts, the enhancement of dam constructions and the increase in the number of village guards being employed.

KCK evaluated Kurdish people's protest against the building of military posts as a legitimate and fair reaction and an evidence of their determination for the achievement of a democratic and peaceful solution. KCK underlined that the government must urgently end the mentioned activities in the Kurdish region if it really sides with peace and democratic politics which -it said- included the advancement of the scope of demonstrations and protests.

“It is the same state mentality that has murdered Medeni Yıldırım in Lice and Ethem Sarısülük in Ankara”, KCK said and commented government's lack of tolerance toward democratic politics as the manifestation of the exploitative mentality and its lack in the sense of democracy.

KCK pointed out that the democratic solution process cannot make headway with policies that spray bullets on people displaying their reaction against the construction of posts.

Neither the Kurdish people nor the Kurdish liberation movement can remain silent in the face of fascistic repression and violence, KCK said and noted that Kurds will display their insistence on democratic acts in the struggle for democracy, and enhance resistance in response to the every attack they face.

KCK continued its statement by condemning the Madımak massacre in which -it said- 34 intellectuals, authors and artists were brutally murdered by powers encouraged by the Turkish state 20 years ago. This massacre targeted the Alewi community in the country, it said and underlined that “We re-voice our promise to create a Turkey where all beliefs and identities will lead a free life”.

In a statement responding to the murder of Medeni Yıldırım in the Lice attack on 28 June, KCK Executive Council Presidency had said that the Turkish government failed to fulfill its responsibilities to ensure the progress of the resolution process. “The steps we have taken for the achievement of brotherhood of peoples are responded to with the destruction of the nature of Kurdistan, imprisonment of Kurdish politicians and patriots who defend their honor and the murder of Medeni and many other people who say Êdî Bes e!’ (enough now) to all these”, it said.

In its statement, KCK called on the Kurdish people to display their democratic reaction against the bloody massacre and attacks targeting the people of Kurdistan.