KESK is eighteen years old

KESK is eighteen years old

KESK, the public employees' union, has celebrated its 18th birthday. The Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK) Executive Committee issued a statement to mark the occasion, saying their struggle would continue until equality, freedom, democracy and peace were attained in the country.  
In the statement it was emphasised that the history of KESK is not only 18 years, but incorporates the entire history of the struggle for democratic rights in Turkey, adding: "We never forget that KESK's history is the history of the workers who tirelessly fought for their rights in this country."

"Those who think they can intimidate KESK today with persecution, arrest and coercion or weaken us by trickery will be disappointed. Because KESK will continue its determined struggle against fascism, imperialism, racism and chauvinism and for democracy, peace, the unity of labour and the fraternity of peoples."

"We continue to believe that the working people of this country will, sooner or later, achieve the rights they yearn for and the world they deserve. This is because the public employees of this country have a union, KESK!"
"KESK will maintain its struggle to achieve a fair share of the cake and will make no concessions in its fight to attain equality, freedom, democracy and peace in this country."