KON-MED: Newroz celebration will be turned into a freedom march!

KON-MED called for participation in the central Newroz celebration to be held in Frankfurt.

This year the central Newroz celebration in Germany will be held in Frankfurt. In a written statement, KON-MED (Confederation of Kurdish Societies in Germany) co-chairs stated that all preparations for the celebration to be held on 25 March have been completed.

The statement said: "As KON-MED, we will turn the 50th Leadership Newroz into a freedom and equality march on 25 March. This year’s slogan will be "Newroza serkeftinê ya serdemê".

The statement continued: "We will hold the AKP-MHP fascism to account, in line with the spirit of Kawa's great uprising against Dehak. We will reiterate our call for the physical freedom of the Kurdish people's leader, who has been in severe isolation for years. In this Newroz, our people will once again declare their will under the leadership of women and young people.

Today, the whole world is talking about the ideology of women's liberation created by Leader Apo and is meeting around the paradigm of democratic, women's liberation and ecological life. Jin, Jiyan, Azadi became a focus of the global revolution.

The 2023 Newroz, which coincides with the 50th anniversary of the struggle of the Kurdish people, will be the Newroz of freedom.

Newroz is the coming together of all colors, unity and determination to struggle. Newroz is our love for freedom and the fire of freedom that will never go out. We invite all our people to gather around the fire of freedom against the oppressors.”

The statement added: “KON-MED, the umbrella organization of Kurdish institutions in Germany, calls on everyone to attend the main Newroz celebration on 25 March, on the basis of strengthening the national unity of our people.”