Kongra Star Assembly issues a statement about human rights violations and violence against women in

Kongra Star Assembly issued a statement about human rights violations and violence against women in the Syrian regions occupied by the Turkish state and its mercenaries.

Kongra Star Assembly issued a statement about the situation in the Syrian regions occupied by the Turkish state and its mercenaries.

The statement drew attention to the brutal violations of human rights, the destruction of the environment and living creatures in the regions occupied by the Turkish state, and added that in the process that started with the occupation of Afrin on 18 March 2018, the Turkish state displaced the people of Afrin, changed the demographic structure and committed war crimes.

The statement also underlined that violence against women has increased and thousands of violations have occurred. In addition, it said that the incidents in which women lost their lives were directly tried to be covered up by Turkish state institutions.

Kongra Star called on the international community to prevent crimes against women in the occupied territories, and demanded the free media to document the crimes and continue to inform the public. Kongra Star stated that the Turkish state should withdraw from the region.