Kurdish courses continue in the schoolyard

Kurdish courses continue in the schoolyard

The sealing of the doors of the schools opened to give education in Kurdish in Amed, Sirnak and Hakkari hasn't been able to prevent the provision of the Kurdish courses.

The Kurdish children whose right to education in mother tongue continues to be violated yet had their lessons in the gardens of their schools on the second day.

Provincial governors, taking action upon the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ordered the police to seal the doors of the Kurdish schools yet on the first day. In one of those schools, Dibistana Seretayî a Berîvan-Berivan primary school in Cizre district of Şırnak, the children who are coming to their school despite its closure had their courses in the saloon next to the school building.

The teachers started to give Kurdish courses when they were asked to do so by the children who were sad to see that their school had been closed when they came there in the morning, accompanied and supported by their families who also defend that the courses must be held under any condition.

Reacting to the shutting down of the school, one of the parents, Hüsniye özmen said no repression can hinder their determination and insistence on demanding education in mother tongue, adding that “We have reached these days by means of our resistance. The repressions cannot stop us now either. All the pains and the difficulties we have suffered until now have aimed to ensure we have education in mother tongue. Now, we have such a school and we will reclaim it. We will continue to educate our children in this saloon. If they close one school, we will open another”.

Another parent, Ramziye Üstün said “A seal cannot stop us from providing education in mother tongue to our children. We came here this morning with our children to see that they cannot even tolerate to a school and immediately close it down. We told the teachers that we want our children to have the courses at least in the saloon here, and decided jointly with them to continue the education in the saloon. The repressions will not prevent us from doing this”.

Nurşin Malgi, another parent, said: “We are struggling to attain our most fundamental rights. We have not done anything bad to anyone. Stop this cruelty, this denial and assimilation. We want our children to have education in their mother tongue. We will not stop demanding our right”.

In the meantime the children, continuing their courses despite their school remaining closed, are observed to be quite cheerful.

In another school shut down and sealed by the police, Dibistana Seretayî a Ferzad Kemangar-Ferzad Kemanger primary school in the Baglar district of Amed, Kurdish courses have been held in the garden of the school as students continued to come to the school on the second day. Sitting on the grass in the garden, the children seemed to be happy while listening to their teachers.