Representatives of Kurdish parties and institutions came together in Den Haag city of Holland to discuss some major subjects including the reconstruction of Kobanê and building Kurdish diplomacy in international arena.
The meeting was attended by Tahir Kemalzade and Adem Uzun on behalf of KNK (Kurdistan National Congress), Zübeyir Aydar on behalf of KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union), Melle Baxtiyar on behalf of YNK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, PUK), as well as representatives of a number of political parties and institutions including GORAN, PYD, PJAK, PÇDK, Zahmetkeş, Partiya Sosyalist, PİK, Assyrian-Syriac Federation, Yazidi Federation, Partiya Komünist, Yek Gerti İslami, Enstitua Kurd Bruksel, HDP-Europe, Harekete jın-Evrupa.
YNK Representative Baxtiyar pointed out that circumstances in the Middle East forced Kurds to form a unity, saying; "Kurdish National Conference is essential. We shouldn't content ourselves with the federation in South Kurdistan. We must help the struggles in four parts of Kurdistan and form our national unity which will be the assurance of all peoples in the Middle East."
Baxtiyar stressed that the reconstruction of Kobanê was a matter concerning the whole humanity, Kurds in the first place, because of the fact that the YPG/YPJ fighters martyred in Kobanê fought and fell for humanity.
KCK Representative Zübeyir Aydar who also emphasized that the Kurdish Freedom Movement fought for the honor and freedom of humanity made a mention of the general elections to take place in Turkey and North Kurdistan on June 7, saying; "Kurds are going to take part in the June 7 election under HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) as the party of the oppressed, ignored and ostracized. AKP wants to rule the free will of the Kurds by abusing the religion, and to take an advantage of the 10 percent election threshold imposed by the 12 September coup regime to hinder the reflection of Kurdish people's will in the parliament."
Remarking that all powers in the Middle East fought against the unity and association of Kurds, Aydar said achievement of unity and establishment of a joint army under one single command to fight ISIS and similar gang organizations was essential to defeat the powers intending to annihilate the Kurds.
Following speeches on the reconstruction of Kobanê, National Conference and national unity, representatives stated that they would meet once again in the coming days to determine the date of national conference.
The parties and institutions representatives of which attended the meeting are;
HSDK (Hizbî Sosyalîstî Demokratî Kurdistan)
Partîya Îslamîya Kurdistan –PÎK
KCD-E (Kongra Civaka Demokratîk – Ewropa)
Hizbî Komunistî Kurdistan
Yekgirtûyî Îslamî Kurdistan
Komelî Îslamî Kurdistan
TJKE – (Tevgera Jinên Kurdistan – Ewropa)
Federasyona Êzidîyên Kurdistan
E.S.U (Yekîtiya Suryaniyên Ewropa)
Partiya Yekîtîya Suryanî – Rojava
Hizbî Zehmetkêşanî Kurdistan
Hizbî Ayindeyî Kurdistan
Nûnertiya HDP ya Ewropa
P.D.K.S (Partîya Demokrata Kurd li Sûrîya)
P.Ç.D.K-S (Partîya Çepa Demokrata Kurd – Sûrîya)
PÇK-S (Partîya Çepa Kurd – Sûrîya)
Partîya Kaskên Kurdistanê - Rêkxrawa Sewza Ewropî Kurdistanî
Enstituya Kurdî ya Brukselê
Rêxirawî Demokratîkî Yarsan
PYNA – Rojava (Partîya Yekîtîya Niştimanî Azad – Rojava)
T.N.K.S (Tevgera Nûjena Kurdistan – Surîye)
Meclisa Şengalê ya Derveyî Welat
Dîwexanî Kurdî li Ewropa