Kurds buried in mass graves in South Iraq

Kurds buried in mass graves in South Iraq

Two mass graves where 145 Kurds have been buried have been discovered in South Iraq.

The mass graves were discovered as a result of researches of South Kurdistan Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs and special research groups affiliated to it.

In one of the mass graves which has been located in the town of Basiye (city of Musenna), officials have found bones belonging to some 93 people most of whom are thought to be from the Barzan region.

The research groups have located another mass grave in Nugre Selman, a district of Musenna. Remains of 52 people were found in the mass grave.

On 30 November, officials had discovered in a mass grave in the region of Busay (Semave) the remains of 56 people who were allegedly killed in an Anfal operation.

Following the examination of bones and remains in Suleimania, it was understood that the victims were Kurdish prisoners who were being held in Nugreselam prison and killed by Saddam in 1998, and that some of the victims had been buried alive in the mass grave.

Anfal is a genocide operation carried out with a series of systematic attacks against the Kurdish people, their villages, agricultural lands and whole living areas. According to official figures, 180 thousand people were killed in the Anfal operations.