Kurds in Europe mark 40th year of the PKK

Kurdish community in Europe marked 40th year of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) with celebrations.

Kurdish community in Europe marked 40th year of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) with celebrations.

The largest celebration was in Swiss city of Luzern where more than three thousand Kurds attended an event organized by Union of Democratic People from Kurdistan in Switzerland. The crowd chanted “Long live PKK” and “Long live our leader Apo” and danced to the songs of Emekci, Seyitxan and Cetin Oraner.

In Duisburg, more than 500 Kurds gathered together and celebrated 40th year of the PKK. The celebration started with one minute’s silence for all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in revolutionary struggle. Kurdish politician Kemal Aktas delivered a speech to the crowd and said: “What brings us together today is the power of the PKK. PKK made history and became the only power which unite Kurds all around the world”. Kurdish musicians Ayse Safagi, Koma Siyabend, Welat Celik, Tital Fayzo, Koma Heviya Roje and Koma Rojbin Amara took to the stage and sang Kurdish folk songs.

Another 40th year celebration was held in Darmstadt where 300 people gathered together in Kurdish Democratic Society Centre.

In French cities of Colmar and Bordeaux, Kurds celebrated 40th year of the PKK with public gatherings. More than 500 attended the celebrations in Bordeaux.

In Stockholm hundreds of Kurdish and Swedish people marked the 40th year of the PKK. People’s Democratic Party MP Faysal Sariyildiz attended the celebrations and greeted the families of PKK fighters who lost their lives during the struggle against Turkish fascism.

In Denmark, Kurds living in Copenhagen organized a celebration in Albertsund Music Theater. Hundreds participated in the celebrations and chanted “Long live PKK”, “Long live our Leader Apo”.

PKK’s 40th year was also celebrated in Rome and Turin, Italy. Hundreds of Italians and Kurds gathered in central Rome and danced to Kurdish songs.

In Turin a large crowd marked the 40th year with a celebration in a communal centre. Kurds and Greek Cypriots attended the celebrations in Andreas Sport Hall and danced to the music of Hozan Dilovan.