Kurds in Germany march in solidarity with Rojava

Kurds in Germany march in solidarity with Rojava

Kurdistan Information Association, DIDIF and AGIT organized a march in the German city of Darmstadt to protest against the ongoing massacre of the Kurdish people in Rojava by Turkey-backed armed gang groups affiliated to al-Qaeda.

The march was followed by a meeting at Luisenplatz Square where speechers on behalf of demonstrators called for solidarity with the Rojava resistance and condemned Turkey for supporting the al-Qaeda and al-Nusra groups. Speechers also strongly criticized the EU for turning a blind eye to this cooperation and the U.S. for following two-faced policies.

The march in Nürnberg, organized by YEK-KOM (Federation of Kurdish Associations in Germany) and Democratic Strength Union, was joined by hundreds saying no to war and invasion.

The speeches made here, including that by German Left Party, urged the Turkish state to end supporting al-Nusra fighting against Kurds in Rojava. Speechers also voiced objection to a possible military action in Syria. They underlined that such an intervention would bring not peace but more bloodshed and tears to the peoples of the Middle East.