Kurds living in Europe continue to protest against the arrest and dismissal of HDP co-mayors as well as against the attacks carried out by Turkey on Zînî Wertê and Maxmur.
In Duisburg the Turkish state attack on Zinî Wertê and the KDP embargo on Maxmur were protested.
Kurds gathered in front of the train station to join the protest promoted by Duisburg DKTM, and said once again no to the attacks of the Turkish state against Zînî Wertê and Maxmur.
The action also called on the German people to challenge the seizure of HDP-run municipalities and condemn the human rights violations carried out by the Turkish state.
The speeches at the rally condemned the AKP-MHP government which continues to usurp the popular will.
The action also called for participation in the 'No to violence against women' rally scheduled for Wednesday 20 May at Duisburg Avendunkplatz at 8 pm as well as the protest rally scheduled for Saturday 23 May at the train station.
The occupation of South Kurdistan and the seizure of the HDP.run municipalities were protested by the Kurdish Community Center in Heilbronn.
Members of the council gathered at Kiliansplatz, carrying banners and read information leaflets in German.
The attacks carried out by Turkey against South Kurdistan were also condemned during the action.