Lawyers on the acquittal of Tahir Elçi’s murderers: We will continue the legal struggle

In a statement in front of the Four-Legged Minaret where Tahir Elçi was murdered, lawyers said, “Tahir Elçi has been shot once again by the 10th High Criminal Court" and vowed to continue their struggle.

The final hearing of the lawsuit on the death of Diyarbakır Bar Association President Tahir Elçi, who was killed in front of the historical Four-Legged Minaret in Sur district of Amed on 28 November 2015, was held at Diyarbakır High Criminal Court on Wednesday. The court acquitted 3 police officers, arguing that Tahir Elçi had been killed by a bullet whose origin could not be determined.

The lawyers emptied the courtroom before the verdict and marched to the Four-Legged Minaret where Elçi was murdered.

Diyarbakır Bar Association President Nahit Eren made a speech and said, “This case will not stay like this. Tahir Elçi was shot here 9 years ago. I repeat once again that Tahir Elçi's case will not go unpunished, but one day the perpetrators will surely be held accountable before the real judiciary. We came here to show our determination and willpower. It resulted in an acquittal, but we will take this file everywhere. In the eyes of the Kurdish community, this verdict has no validity. This verdict was based on Tahir Elçi's identity. Once again, I promise , and everyone here promises, that new Tahir Elçis will be graduating every year."

Erinç Sağkan, President of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB), said, “We have known for about 8.5 years what the verdict would be, from the practices of both the investigation and prosecution process. 3,020 days ago, Elçi was massacred in front of the minaret seen behind me. We have endeavoured to ensure that this grave massacre of a man of law, who devoted his life to the struggle for human rights and the fight against impunity, does not go unpunished. However, the practice of the prosecutor's office during the investigation process and the acquittal at the end of the prosecution process, despite all the demands of the lawyers for the collection of evidence, is to make fun of people's minds. We will not allow this. This court could not even listen to the prime minister of the time. We have been there for 11 hearings, the lawyers are there, but the defendants are not. We said that we would not give legitimacy to this trial, but we believe that the perpetrators of this murder will be found. We will continue the legal struggle.”

Lawyer Mahsun Batı from Tahir Elçi Foundation said, “Tahir Elçi has once again been shot by the 10th High Criminal Court. We know and recognise the perpetrators. We will not give up this struggle until the perpetrators are exposed, until they receive the penalty they deserve."