Reactions are growing against the Swedish Security Police (SÄPO) accelerating the political repression against the Kurds and handing over the Kurds who apply for asylum to Turkish intelligence service MIT in cooperation with the Turkish state.
The Swedish Left Party has recently launched a campaign in solidarity with the Kurds after the Immigration Office decided to deport Zozan Büyük, mother of two children aged 2 and 4, who came from Belgium and married in Sweden 5 years ago. Despite receiving no state aid and subsistence, SÄPO is demanding that Büyük be deported, claiming that she is a threat to the country. Based on confidentiality they do not explain why Büyük constitutes a threat.
The Left Party, which brought the issue to the agenda of the parliament with a written question, announced that it started a solidarity campaign with the Kurds whom Sweden wants to deport after the government did not change its attitude.
In the meantime, Left Party members from municipalities have launched a campaign to express their solidarity with Zozan Büyük and to demand the removal of the PKK from the list of terrorist organizations. Video messages of the party members are published on the website of Örebro Left Party.
Uppsala City Council Member Hanna Victoria Mörck defined the imminent deportation of a Kurdish woman with two kids without any justification as “unacceptable” and stressed that people shouldn’t be criminalized because of their ethnicities.
Helsingborg Municipality Left Party Group President Jenny Björklund Hansson expressed the solidarity of the Left Party in Helsingborg with Zozan Büyük who -he said- was only one of the many Kurds who the Swedish police discriminate against. “We in the Left Party in Helsingborg, protest the criminalization of the Kurds and their organizations.”
Uppsala City Council Member Tobias Smedberg referred to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights which says “all are equal all before the law and without any discrimination”. He said this was not applied by the Swedish state that discriminates against Zozan Büyük, 31-year-old mother of 2.
Smedberg said: “SÄPO has ordered a confidentiality on Zozan’s file and does not explain why she is wanted deported. Zozan is deprived of the right to defend herself. Many Kurds in Sweden and Europe are in the same situation. Kurds and their organizations are labeled. We are in solidarity with Zozan and other Kurds and we demand an end to this discrimination.”
“Shame on you, Sweden. We could do better,” said Smedberg and called on the Swedish government to force SÄPO to show its cards and to delist the PKK as a terrorist organization.
Örebro Municipality Left Party Group President Martha Wicklund said; “Zozan and many other Kurds have been subject to the same treatment. This is unacceptable. We must advocate the principle of equality for all before law. I do not accept the criminalization of the Kurds and their organizations. Kurds are not terrorists.”