Left Party MPs visit hunger strike activists in Berlin
A group of Left Party MPs visited activists in Berlin, who are on hunger strike to protest the invasion of Afrin.
A group of Left Party MPs visited activists in Berlin, who are on hunger strike to protest the invasion of Afrin.
The hunger strike action to protest the invasion of Afrin and the silence of German government and international community has left four days behind. More than 50 activists are currently on hunger strike in front of the Federal Parliament in Berlin.
The action is supported by Berlin Democratic Kurdish Society Centre, DEST-DAN Berlin Women’s Council, PYD Berlin and Berlin Ezidi Women Council.
Several groups visited the activists on Thursday including an envoy from the Left Party. MPs Dieter Dehm, Helin Evrim Sommer, Gokay Akbulut, Sabine Leidig and member of Hamburg State Council Cansu Ozdemir were among the visitors.
Dieter Dehm thanked the activists for this action in solidarity the resistance in Afrin. MPs Sabine Ledig and Helin Evrim Sommer shared their sympathies and said that they support the activists.
Cansu Ozdemir praised the hunger strike action and said that everyone should rise up so that people of Afrin return to their city