Life Against Isolation Platform: Workers' Day against isolation

The Life Against Isolation Platform in Europe has called on people to join the Workers’ Day demonstrations demanding the end of isolation. 

The Platform said: “We call on people to join the demonstrations to mark Workers’ Day, the day of international unity, struggle and solidarity of the working class, to raise the struggle against the capitalist system, unemployment, poverty, racism, isolation and fascism.” 

In Europe, recalled the statement, “where capitalist exploitation is high as high are subcontracting, unemployment, low wages, high rents, destruction of nature, the racist and discriminatory policies of the European bourgeoisie and their attacks on our democratic rights and freedoms are increasing every day.”

The Platform called on people to protest isolation at the demonstrations organised to mark 1 May, international workers’ day. “The fascist Erdoğan dictatorship of Turkey and the destruction caused in Kurdistan, mean the arrest of hundreds of journalists, intellectuals, trade unionists, MPs, thousands of democratically elected mayors and councillors.”

Reminding about the isolation imposed on Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the hunger strike resistance launched by DTK co-chair and HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven the Platform asked all working men and women to give voice to the hunger strikers.