Life comes to a standstill in Kurdistan
Life comes to a standstill in Kurdistan
Life comes to a standstill in Kurdistan
Shops in Amed and Yüksekova remain closed today to protest against the Lice attack which took the life of a young boy, Medeni Yıldırım, aged 18, and to mark the anniversary of PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) militant Zeynep Kınacı's death.
Life came to a standstill in a number of Amed's neighborhoods including Bağlar, Ofis and Şehitlik, and the district of Silvan as of early morning hours.
A huge black banner was hung on the building of BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) Silvan district organization.
People in Hakkari's Yüksekova district are also joining the protest since yesterday evening, with no workplaces providing service except for pharmacies and baker's shops. Police have taken security measures in the town which witnessed severe clashes between security forces and demonstrators who took to the streets yesterday to protest against the Lice attack. Police intervened protestors during the press statement they issued.
Police forces, having already been deployed in the district with armored vehicles as of early Sunday, attacked a group of young people who took to the streets today to display their reaction against Lice attack. Clashes between police and demonstrators are continuing.
Shops in Van's Başkale district are also closed today in protest against the bloody attack in Lice.
Thousands of people in Kurdistan, Batman, Siirt and Şırnak being in the first place, also took to the streets yesterday to condemn the Lice attack. People joining the mass marches, which were organized by BDP organizations of the cities, pointed out that they would continue their democratic acts condemning violence against protestors and demanding the trial of those responsible for the attack.
Youths protesting the Lice attack in Şırnak's Cizre district also took to the streets in mass yesterday evening. They set a fire on the E-24 highway and closed the way to traffic till late evening hours. Police attacked protestors, using intense pressure water and tear gas.
Thousands in capital Ankara also condemned the attack, joining the march and press statement BDP Ankara organization held in front of the Human Rights Monument in central Yüksel Avenue. The demo was supported by a number of political organizations and NGOs including ESP (Socialist Party of the Oppressed), HDK (People's Democratic Congress), EMEP (Labour Party) and IHD (Human Rights Association). “Shoulder to shoulder against fascism” was the main slogan chanted by protestors.
BDP Youth's Organization also staged a demo in Ankara's central Kızılay neighborhood in the afternoon. Police attacked the demo soon after the march began.