MAZLUMDER released violation rights report

MAZLUMDER released violation rights report

MAZLUMDER (Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed Peoples association) has released its report on right violations in 2012. According to the report 138 people died as a result of 131 incidents, including murders by unknown people and suspicious deaths.The report also highlights that 13 people died in prisons. A total of 10.350 people were taken into custody and 656 people were remanded in custody.

Speaking at the press conference organized for the launch of the report MAZLUMDER Executive Board Member and Deputy General Secretarian Haşim Savaş said Turkey is still behind when it come to address problems in order to solve them.

Here some figures from the report:

Unresolved murders and suspicious deaths: 131 incidents, 138 deaths
Honour killing: 6 incidents resulting in 6 deaths
12 incidents resulted in the death of 10 people by torture and 4 injured
Deaths and injuries in clashes: 195 incidents, 578 deaths, 342 injured people
Act against civilians: 141 incidents, 18 deaths, 299 injured people
Torture/Claim of torture and harassment: 83 incidents
Sexual abuse/rape: 34 incidents
Custody: 10 thousands 350 people
Detention: 656 people
Death and suicide under custody: 5 deaths
Demanded sentences: 2.219 years imprisonment asked
Sentences: 3.488 years 9 months 15 days
Closed/confiscated/banned publication and activities: 16 incidents
Pressures against journalists and media: 22 incidents
Detained journalists: 12 incidents, 18 people
Suspension from school: 149 students suspended, 15 students expelled, 82 students condemned, 100 students warned
Raids/pressures against non-governmental organizations: 6 incidents
European Court of Human Rights: Amount of fines Turkey has to pay; 470 thousands 945 Euro.