A memorial service for guerrilla fighter Sinan Güneş (Sefkan Bulut) was held on Friday in the left-wing center Lilo Herrmann in Stuttgart city of Germany. Activists from KOMAW, a Europe-wide institution for the relatives of people who died or are missing in the Kurdish liberation struggle, as well as Partizan and TKP/ML also took part in the small gathering organized by left-wing groups.
Sinan Güneş came from the town Kızıldere in the province of Tokat in northern Turkey. The place became known throughout Turkey after the death of the revolutionary Mahir Çayan and his comrades, who had barricaded themselves here in 1972 with three kidnapping victims and were shot by the military police. Ertuğrul Kürkçü was the only one from the group to survive.
The then 18-year-old Sinan Güneş became politically active in 2010. Under the impression of the Rojava revolution, he joined MLKP (Marxist Leninist Communist Party) at the end of 2014. After the ISIS massacre in Suruç in July 2015, which took place under the supervision of the police and the Turkish secret service MIT and cost 33 young people their lives, he decided to follow the path of a professional revolutionary. The following spring, Sinan Güneş finally joined the "Armed Forces of the Oppressed and Poor" (FESK), the armed arm of MLKP. From there, he went to the Black Sea region in the ranks of the Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement (HBDH), and finally, he stayed in the Serhad region of Northern Kurdistan with a mixed guerrilla unit consisting of members of the HBDH, FESK and the People's Defense Forces (HPG). On 29 April this year, he and three of his friends died in a Turkish air raid in Kağızman district of Kars province.