Message from Basel: The resistance against the AKP goes on!
Thousands demonstrated in Switzerland against the seizure of the HDP-run municipalities of Amed, Mardin and Van by the AKP.
Thousands demonstrated in Switzerland against the seizure of the HDP-run municipalities of Amed, Mardin and Van by the AKP.
A march was organised in the city of Basel by the Swiss Democratic Forces Union (IDGB).
Thousands of activists gathered in Dreirosenbrück Park, protesting the AKP-MHP regime decision to seize the municipalities of Amed, Van and Mardin but also to condemn the arrests of activists and politicians as well as the attacks on Kurds and democrats.
During the march activists chanted slogans against Erdogan and in support to the resistance of Kurdish people against the seizure of the municipalities.
The protesters blocked the street with a short-term sit-in and read statements in German before going to Barfüsserplatz.
After a minute's silence in memory of the martyrs of the revolution and and the struggle for freedom, Demir Çelik on behalf of HDP, Cem Bitnel on behalf of the Democratic Forces Union, Ali Şimşek on behalf of CDK Switzerland, Songül Arslan on behalf of the Swiss Kurdish Women's Movement and Rojava Committee on behalf of the Rojava Committee all addressed the crowd.
The Democratic Forces Union representative said that "the resistance against the AKP-MHP fascism should not be seen only as a resistance of the Kurdish people. all the oppressed peoples should join the resistance."
Tanya Zürcher on behalf of the BAsta Party and Beat Jans on behalf of the Socialist Party (SP) both expressed their solidarity with the Kurdish people and pledged to do whatever it is necessary to raise the issue and support the resistance.