Middle East and North Africa Youth Conference starts in Beirut

The two-day Middle East and North Africa Youth Conference started in Beirut with the participation of 21 youth organisations from different countries.

The Middle East and North Africa Youth Conference, organised under the slogan ‘Youth and Building a Free Future’, started in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

In the conference, which will last for 2 days with the participation of 21 youth organisations from different countries, youth problems, solutions, struggle against racism, problems of women's freedom, how to activate the role of youth, development of solidarity and struggle of youth will be discussed.

On the first day of the conference, ‘The Impact of Capitalist Modernity on Youth’, ‘Youth Struggles, Experiences and Autonomy’, ‘Systematic Ecocide and Environmental Destruction’ and ‘The Situation of Young Women and Women's Freedom’ will be discussed.

On the second day of the conference, workshops will be held on many topics. The need for an umbrella organisation for the youth of the Middle East and North Africa, developing joint working strategies, coordination, support and exchange of experiences, and the need for youth unity to strengthen the struggle against crises will be discussed.

The participants listened to the YPJ's message from Rojava greeting the conference and the message from RAWA, the women's organisation of Afghanistan.

Afterwards, a cinevision about the resistance of the peoples of the Middle East, prepared by the preparation committee, was screened, watched by the participants with great excitement.

After a short break, the discussions will begin.

The first discussions will be on the wars and crisis in the Middle East and North Africa.

The youth organisations participating in the conference are as follows:

"Iraqi Democratic Youth Union, Student Branch of the Yemeni Socialist Party, Syrian Progressive Youth Union, Western Desert Activists, Mauritanian Youth Movement of the Future, Egyptian Union of Progressive Youth, Union of Young Women of Northern and Eastern Syria, Armenian Social Council Youth Foundation, Nebra Tim Koç Foundation Heritage, Culture and Philanthropy, Democratic Syrian Youth Council, Bes Nehren National Union Youth, Kurdistan Youth Organisation, Youth of the Revolutionary Left Movement in Syria, Nehdat Al-Talba Organisation and Kurdistan Youth, Youth of the Egyptian Alternative Path, Youth of the Sudanese Communist Party, Kurdistan Youth Union, Youth Assembly, Kurdistan Youth Liberation Organisation, Peoples' Democratic Conference, Yemen Writers and Activists Association, Kurdistan Youth Organisation, Afghanistan Humanitarian Aid Association for Women and Children.”