Military build-up in Yüksekova
Military build-up in Yüksekova
Military build-up in Yüksekova
The Turkish military has shipped in military equipment and additional soldiers to the Federal Kurdistan region.
Dozens of tanks have been shipped from Yüksekova 34th Border Brigade Command to Federal Kurdistan border on Monday.
The massive military build-up in the region has been intensified in the last three days, with military shipments being made toward the regions of Şemdinli, Derecik (Rubarok) and Dağlıca (Oramar) late night.
Dozens of tanks brought from Van last night have been shipped to Rubarok and Oramar today. The tanks will reportedly be deployed in military posts currently being built in the regions of Tekeli (Gare), Kayalar (Qatûne), Alan (Helêna), Mağaraönü (Şikewtan) and Dağlıca (Oramar) near Iranian border.
Strongly reacting to the recently increasing military shipment in the Kurdish region, local people say that the Turkish military is a kind of preparing for war for the last one week, since the KCK Congress took place ((Kongra-Gel's 9th General Assembly in Behdinan from 30 June to 5 July). They say that the intensified military activity augers no good.