More powers to the police from AKP

More powers to the police from AKP

The ruling party AKP has submitted to parliament a controversial amendment to the criminal code granting sweeping powers to the police force.

The new amendment extends the power of the security forces to crush the protests. The new amendment includes these points: It gives the police the right to conduct the necessary investigation when there is the possibility to arrest the suspect or the accused, or to acquire the evidence if “reasonable” suspicion is aroused. The existing article, however, says “strong” suspicion based on concrete evidence.

The new security package also extends the scope of serious crimes. Constitutional offences and crimes against the state are also included in this list. In the case of these offences, the assets of the suspect might well be confiscated.

The scope of telephone tapping in cases of constitutional crimes and offences against the state is also extended in the new regulation. Nevertheless, the taps will be carried out on more concrete grounds. The identity of the person and the period in which s/he will be tapped must be clearly mentioned in the orders.