Mosul Operation: 600 residential areas liberated since October

Ninova Operation General Command has announced that 600 villages and districts around Mosul have been liberated from ISIS occupation since October 17.

Ninova Operation Chamber Command issued a written statement and announced that 600 villages and strategic districts and locations have been liberated from ISIS gangs’ occupation since October 17, the day the operation for the liberation of Mosul launched.

Ninova Operation Chamber Command’s statement lists the operation grounds as follows:

- North of the city of Mosul has been liberated by the 16th Infantry Brigade, from the east of the river Tigris to the east of the city.

- South of the city has been liberated by the federal police forces and the 9th Armored Brigade.

- East of the city has been liberated by the Anti-terror Units, to the east of the river Tigris.

- Southeast of the city has been liberated by the federal police forces, Ninova Operation Command and Heshd Al Shabî forces.