Motion on PKK-Turkey talks at English Parliament

Motion on PKK-Turkey talks at English Parliament

A new Early Day Motion (EDM) has been tabled in Parliament, called  EDM 151: Turkey, Peace Talks and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).
Peace in Kurdistan Campaign has launched a campaign because it is important to continue to pressure the UK government to acknowledge that by keeping the PKK on the terrorism list, they are blocking the possibility of the two sides of this conflict negotiating as equal partners. This EDM is one way of doing that.
Peace in Kurdistan Campaign underlines that there is a need for as many MPs as possible to sign the EDM. "You can pressure you local MP - said the campaigners - to sign it by writing to them, calling their office or even better, meeting them at their constituency office so they can hear your concerns in person".
For background information on this EDM and other Parliamentary lobbying, the BDP, the ongoing KCK trials and other news and politics from Turkey, visit: