Muslim: Talks in Hewler positive
Muslim: Talks in Hewler positive
Muslim: Talks in Hewler positive
PYD (Democratic Union Party) co-chair Saleh Muslim spoke to ANF about the talks between KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) and the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) in Hewler.
Muslim put emphasis on the importance of the Hewler meeting which will be led by KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) President Massoud Barzani and held in order for the revival of the Kurdish Supreme Council (Desteya Bilind a Kurd) which has been performing works with its various committees since 2012, but has faced some problems due to the nonparticipation of some parties in recent months.
PYD co-chair said the revival of Desteya Bilind would be a crucial step in order for the unity of the Kurdish people and the satisfaction of their expectations.
Muslim also drew attention to the importance of the Geneva 2 Conference, and Kurds' strong participation in the conference which will take place in January. Muslim stated that they will defend the presence of Kurds during the conference and are currently discussing about the way of participation in the Geneva 2.
In July 2013, West Kurdistan People's Assembly (MGRK) and Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS) had signed the “Hewler Agreement” with an aim to ensure the unity of Kurds in West Kurdistan. The seven point agreement was signed by the representatives of both organizations after a meeting with KRG President Massoud Barzani and a series of talks with many parties and organizations in South Kurdistan.
The two organizations decided to establish the Kurdish Supreme Council (Desteya Bilind a Kurd) to represent West Kurdistan people in national and international area.