'National Conference Against Occupation' calls for unity among Kurds

Kurdish parties and intellectuals gathered at a conference called 'National Conference Against Occupation' and took a series of decisions to ensure unity among Kurds.

The "National Conference Against Occupation" was organized by the National Platform Against Occupation in Europe. A series of decisions were taken to ensure unity among Kurds.

Besime Konca, representative of the European Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-E), drew attention to the importance of such conferences and said: “Unfortunately, we always gather and talk, but we never take action. This is the problem. First of all, we need to make this clear. Now we need to stop talking and move on to practice. Because the invaders are bombing all our lands, killing our children.”

'We should be a bridge between parties'

Former HDP deputy, Osman Baydemir, said: “Today, there is a struggle in four parts of Kurdistan and serious prices are paid. All parties and ideologies are tools for the freedom of Kurdistan. We have to use them correctly. We must put all parties and ideologies at the service of Kurdistan.”

Baydemir also stated that civil society organizations should develop further and added: “We should be a bridge between parties, we should be united. If we don't unite, the invaders will exploit us even more. We will lose another hundred years.”

Osman: Let’s make Ehmedê Xanê’s dream a reality

Muhsin Osman, former PUK Iraqi deputy member, said that the unity of the Kurds should be in minds and spirits, and added: “We must oppose the occupation in spirit and in mind. Ehmedê Xanê's phrase, ‘If we don't unite, we'll be blown away’ is still relevant today. Let's come together as Kurds and make Ehmedê Xanê's dream come true."

‘We must have a common attitude towards occupation’

KCDK-E co-chair Yüksel Koç noted that in order to achieve Kurdish national unity, diplomacy should be given importance and a common attitude should be shown against the invaders.

People must reject occupation

Assyrian-Syriac representative George Aryo, said that the Turkish invasion caused serious damage not only to Kurds, but also to the Assyrian people and their values in the region, and emphasized that all peoples should oppose the occupation.

Kurdish woman politician Leyla Viyan touched upon the role of women in the platform and said: “As women, our goal is both Kurdistan and women's freedom. As women, our call to all parties and institutions is to develop a common struggle.”

Participants of the conference decided to expand the national platform against the occupation as a tool to ensure unity among Kurds and to improve inter-party dialogue.

Committees were established to cover areas such as press and communication for diplomacy, the development of inter-Kurdish and inter-party relations.

The decisions taken during the conference are expected to be announced tomorrow, Monday.