National Front members go to Baghdad
After a series of resolutions are approved by PM al-Abadi and ministers, delegation of NF goes to Baghdad
After a series of resolutions are approved by PM al-Abadi and ministers, delegation of NF goes to Baghdad
A series of resolutions were taken in a meeting chaired by Iraqi Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi, against the occupation attacks of the Turkish state in Başûrê Kurdistan.
The meeting took place on Sunday evening and then a statement was subsequently released by the Prime Minister's office.
The statement said that "Turkey is violating Iraq's airspace, borders and is carrying out a large-scale violations on our territory."
Significant developments were discussed at the meeting attended by the Ministry of Defense, the Border Forces, the Ministry of Air Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"We reject any aggression in Iraq's territory. - said the statement - A series of decisions were taken to counter any aggression on Iraqi soil, deter the attacks and protect the borders.
Diplomatic methods should be used to prevent violations of Iraqi lands. The military and joint operations committee, the Ministry of Defense's security and intelligence committee, the border and internal forces and the National Security Adviser will prepare reports and recommendations on the attack as soon as possible. Prepared reports will be then discussed."
The statement added that "the Iraqi Parliament is considering procedures for border control and use of modern technology and security."
National Front goes to Baghdad
Members of the National Front who continue their contacts and talks on the Turkish state occupation attacks, have confirmed that they will also go to Baghdad.
Hêrîş Berzencî, a member of the National Front, said: "We are working to stop the invasion attacks carried out by the Turkish state. We will send a delegation to Baghdad in the coming days. The delegation will meet Iraqi President Fuad Masum as well as parties and officials. We want to put the occupation on the Iraqi Parliament agenda", he said.