An investigation has been opened against HDP Co-chair Mithat Sancar for alleged terror propaganda, announced the Diyarbakir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on Monday. The authority justifies the step with a speech of the politician in the context of the Newroz celebrations in Amed yesterday, March 21.
What exactly of Sancar's speech is interpreted as propaganda for a terrorist organization is unclear. Among other things, the 58-year-old politician had addressed the ban proceedings against his party on stage, described the resolution of the Kurdish question as "key to the democratization of Turkey" and stated that the HDP adheres to the contents of the Newroz Declaration issued by Abdullah Öcalan in 2013. The PKK founder's historic declaration is about a dignified peace. Sancar had also made clear at last Tuesday's parliamentary group meeting in the Turkish parliament that his party remains committed to the goals of the declaration.
Further Newroz investigations in Amed
The Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in Amed has initiated further terror investigations against several people who were arrested during entry controls or after the Newroz celebration because of green-red-yellow scarves or T-shirts with the Kurdistan flag. An as yet unknown number of those affected are still in police custody.