“No pasaran to fascism” rally in Berlin
A rally was held in the German city of Berlin yesterday with the motto “No pasaran to fascism”.
A rally was held in the German city of Berlin yesterday with the motto “No pasaran to fascism”.
While the protest demonstration organised by AKP supporters resulted in a total fiasco, Kurds and their allies held a rally at the same scene in the German capital city Berlin, voicing solidarity against the AKP/Palace fascism. The demo was joined by revolutionary and democratic circles from Turkey and Germany.
Demonstrators who included anti-fascist groups from Germany gathered in Platz des 18. März Square near Brandenburger Tor starting from 14:00 Saturday afternoon.
The anti-fascist demonstration was joined by NAV DEM, DEST DAN Women's Assembly, Ciwanen Rojava, PYD Berlin, HDK Berlin and constituents, Partizan, ATİK, AWEGKOM, Berlin Dersim Community, Dersim Freedom Initiative as well as German anti-fascist organizations, German Left Party (Die Linke) Berlin State Parliament MP Hakan Taş and many other individuals.
Condemning the AKP fascism and Erdoğan's dictatorial regime, demonstrators exposed the Turkish state's crimes against Kurds and other democratic circles.
Protestors also demanded an end to the PKK ban in place in Germany for 23 years, voiced solidarity with the arrested Co-mayors, Co-chairs and MPs of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), and demanded the immediate release of all jailed politicians in Turkey.