Northern Kurdistan Conference offers an eight-point solution proposal
Northern Kurdistan Conference offers an eight-point solution proposal
Northern Kurdistan Conference offers an eight-point solution proposal
Components of the Northern Kurdistan Unity and Solution Conference issued a press conference in Amed about the recent developments in the democratic resolution process and the Kurdish people's basic demand to be educated in their mother language.
The press conference was attended by DTK (Democratic Society Congress) co-chairs Ahmet Türk and Aysel Tuğluk, BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş,Diyarbakır Chamber of Doctors Chairperson Kenan Karadaş, KADEP President Lütfi Baksi, Azadi Initiative Deputy Coordinator Muhammet Dara Akar, GÜNSİAD former chair Şahismail Bedirhanoğlu, TUHAD-FED President Zübeyde Teker, Peace Mothers Initiative as well as representatives of NGOs and political parties serving as the components of the Northern Kurdistan Unity and Solution Conference.
Speaking at the press conference, DTK co-chair Ahmet Türk said Kurds were going through important and historic days offering an opportunity for a solution to the Kurdish question. Türk underlined that the Kurdish issue was not related with the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) alone, adding; "We side with the maintainance of the brotherhood of Kurdish and Turkish peoples. The peace process should not be interrupted".
Türk, on behalf of components of the Northern Kurdistan Unity and Solution Conference, called on the government to take urgent steps for the removal of the deadlock in the resolution process.
DTK co-chair also voiced their support to the one-week boycott for the recognition of Kurds' demand to receive education in mother tongue.
Also calling attention to recent developments in western Kurdistan territory, Türk underlined that the Turkish state must end supporting the circles fighting against Kurds in Rojava, and take Kurds as its natural ally instead.
Türk continued listing the eight points the components of the conference highlighted in a solution proposal addressing to the government in order for the achievement of a permanent non-conflict environment between PKK and the Turkish state and the recognition of Kurdistan people's fundamental and fair demands.
-Kurdistan people's demand to be educated in mother tongue, a constitutional assurance for the rights of Kurds and other ethnicities, self-government in Kurdistan and the recognition of Kurdish as an official language should be evaluated independently from the resolution process for these demands are the fundamental rights of the Kurdish nation and cannot be a subject of negotiation.
-We attach importance to PKK's announcing ceasefire and its determination to adhere to this decision, and we demand that the state and the government take the necessary steps. The suspension of the withdrawal of PKK militants from Turkish borders point to a deadlock but not an end in the process. There is a need for an urgent legal arrangement to enable the participation of these PKK militants, who are the children of Kurdistan's people and citizens of the Turkish state, in the social and political life.
-In consideration of Mr. Abdullah Öcalan's role in this process, the obstacles to his communication with the public opinion and the people should be removed in order to ensure that the process makes headway.
-KCK detainees should urgently be released to make sure that the process makes sense. Should their release require a legal arrangement, this should be brought to the agenda of the Turkish Assembly in the soonest time.
-One other point of importance in political aspect and shall contribute to a solution is the removal of the ten percent election threshold in order to pave the way for political parties and organizations in Kurdistan to do politics with their own identity.
-The Turkish state and government should cement good relations with the governments and movements in other parts of Kurdistan. It should end supporting the circles fighting against Kurds in Rojava, and take Kurds as its natural ally instead. Ill will against the political achievements of political parties and organizations and Syrian Kurds in Rojava will have a negative influence on the resolution process, maybe to an extend of a deadlock.
-As the new education year in Turkey is about to begin, the government should bring up the mother tongue education issue and avoid making negative statements in this regard. We hereby call on all our people to join the one-week boycott which is aimed at bringing Kurdish people's demand to receive education in mother language to the agenda.
-All ethnic, religious identities and sects in Turkey and northern Kurdistan should be granted with the same equality and freedom. Making a commitment to the achievement of this purpose, we, as the Kurdistani side, expect the Turkish state and other circles to display the same attitude".